
Best Time to See Wildebeest River Cross

Best Time to See Wildebeest River Cross. The single utmost movements of mammals in the world draw the attention of travellers from all around the world each year. Whether you visit its beginnings during calving season in Ndutu, the unavoidable river crossings on the Mara River, or the beginning of the return trip from Kenya’s Masai Mara to Serengeti Tanzania, you are witnessing one of the wonders of the natural world. The opportunistic Nile crocodiles have a feast as animals touch the water seeking to cross.

When Is the Time to See Serengeti Wildebeest Migration River Crossing? This is amazing incidence which occurs as herd cross the Grumeti River in June to July and the Mara River between August and November, and it is at this time that some of the most spectacular photographs and video maker enjoy the movements. 

River Crossings: During this time frame, millions of wildebeests, along with zebras and other herbivores, migrate north from Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park to Kenya’s Maasai Mara Reserve in search of fresh grazing pastures. To get to the Maasai Mara, they must cross the Mara River and various other rivers along their route.

Dramatic Scenes: The river crossings are a highlight of the Great Migration, known for their drama and peril. Crocodiles lie in wait, and predators like lions and hyenas are often nearby, making these crossings a spectacle of survival.

Lush Vegetation: The timing coincides with the dry season in the Serengeti and the start of the dry season in the Maasai Mara. This means that the vegetation is drying up in their current areas, forcing the herds to seek greener pastures in the Maasai Mara.

Accessible Viewing: The river crossings are relatively accessible to tourists during this period. Several safari lodges and camps in the Maasai Mara are strategically located along the riverbanks, providing excellent viewing opportunities.

Weather: The weather during this time is generally pleasant, with cooler temperatures compared to the hot and rainy season. It’s a great time for a safari, as the wildlife is concentrated around the riverbanks.

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